Saguaro National Park Labor Day 8-Miler/5k
에디션 기록
Pima County, AZ, 미국
01 9월, 2025 (월)
5 km, 8 mi
8 mi
이벤트 정보
The TMC Saguaro National Park Labor Day Race offers a unique running experience within Saguaro National Park, featuring stunning desert views amid towering saguaros. Hosted by the Southern Arizona Roadrunners, this event invites participants to challenge themselves on a picturesque course set at the foothills of the Rincon Mountains. Runners may encounter desert wildlife while navigating the rolling terrain, and all participants are encouraged to bring their own hydration. Entry includes a park pass, and the event supports various local organizations, including the park itself and the Southern Arizona Roadrunners' Children's Fitness Fund.
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버전: 10.9.5