이벤트 정보
Optional long-sleeve shirts will be available for purchase until Thursday, November 21st.
The West Deptford Running of the Turkeys is on Thanksgiving Morning at 9:00 AM.
Choose to run the 5K Turkey Trot Race or the 2-mile Wobble Walk.
The 5K race will be chip-timed.
We ask that all participants please PRE-REGISTER before or on Wednesday, November 27th at 8:00 PM in order to participate in the Running of the Turkeys.
Race bibs and optional t-shirts (if purchased) will be available for pick-up from 5-7 PM on Wednesday, Nov 27th, and starting at 7:00 AM on Thanksgiving morning at RiverWinds Community Center. We encourage you to allow plenty of time to pick up your race bib.
First, second, and third place male and female overall and age group award medals will be given out to the winning 5K participants after the race.
Age groups for awards:
13 & under14-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970+
The awards ceremony will begin promptly at 9:45.
We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for the Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries Food Bank.
A rain or shine event.
Optional long-sleeve shirts will not be available after Thursday, November 21st. Shirts will not be available for purchase on race day.
Note: You must be present on race day to claim your shirt. If you're unable to attend, shirts will not be mailed to you after the race.
Plenty of parking at RiverWinds Community Center.
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버전: 10.9.0