Run with the Roosters Kinney Road 5 Miler
4 mi
이벤트 정보
Yes, we know it's hot out there in the summer. That's why we're inviting you to "Run With the Roosters," 4 Mile Run & Walk, now at Sabino Canyon! A great way to celebrate Father's Day!!! Beat the Heat start time is bright and early at 5:05 a.m. As always, Everyone Runs brings you the most value for your money with our famous free Mexican breakfast, free race photos, free shaved ice, custom female and male race shirts in tech or cotton, and overall and 5-year age group rooster trophy awards! Male and female overall winners take home free running shoes from Fleet Feet! Always open to runners and walkers (course closes at 7am - you must finish by then).
We'll even have 1st and 2nd place trophies for dad/kid team (dad +1 or +2). A great way to celebrate Father's Day!!!
Course Map link
Bring your family, bring your team, bring yourself!
For event details, please visit Dogs are not permitted for liability reasons. Entry fees are not refundable and bibs cannot be transfered without prior approval by Everyone Runs. Please consider purchasing event insurance during your registration process.
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버전: 10.9.4