Run the Vineyards - Yoga & Endurance Challenge - Hammonton
에디션 기록
Hammonton, NJ, 미국
11 9월, 2022 (일)
5 km
이벤트 정보
This one of a kind Run the Vineyards event takes place in the Sharrott Winery Festival Field.
Start at 9 AM with 15 Minutes of Yoga (Suitable for all levels)Transition into a 5K Run or Walk through the VineyardChip-timed, Instant Results, Free Downloadable PhotosEnjoy a couple fun obstacles on the courseFinish with Live Music until 12 pm, and One Complimentary Glass of WineMoocheezee Food Truck will be on site! participants receive a custom Soft Blended Tank or Unisex Tech Tee~ Plenty of stock in Women's Tanks & Unisex Tech Tees and all sizes still available! All runners receive a shirt!
Race Day Bib Number and Shirt Pick-up: 7:30-8:30 AM
Join Our Facebook Event Page for race updates and to invite friends Here:
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버전: 10.9.7