Run for the Acorns
에디션 기록
East Bethany, NY, 미국
06 10월, 2024 (일)
트레일 러닝
3.1 mi, 6.2 mi
이벤트 정보
2024 RUN FOR THE ACORNS - 5K/10K trail run
Sunday October 6, 2024 with virtual option Come join us at the Genesee County Park & Forest Sunday on October 6, 2024. If you can't make it that day there will be a virtual option to run the 5K or 10K course at the park between 7AM Friday October 4 and 5PM Saturday October 5, 2024 using the mobile RaceJoy tracking app. Both the 5K and 10Kcourses are marked with signs and direction arrows, and the app tracks the courses using GPS points. Your start and finish times will be recorded and posted to the results automatically. The courses are on single and double track trails through the forest, along a creek and up and down rolling hills in the Genesee County Park & Forest, with an estimated 100 feet of climb in the 10K loop. Trails are very wide and easy to negotiate (rocks and roots are clearly marked for safety). The courses start on asphalt and then lead into the woods for a truly beautiful run through the countryside.
Sunday October 6, 2024 with virtual option Come join us at the Genesee County Park & Forest Sunday on October 6, 2024. If you can't make it that day there will be a virtual option to run the 5K or 10K course at the park between 7AM Friday October 4 and 5PM Saturday October 5, 2024 using the mobile RaceJoy tracking app. Both the 5K and 10Kcourses are marked with signs and direction arrows, and the app tracks the courses using GPS points. Your start and finish times will be recorded and posted to the results automatically. The courses are on single and double track trails through the forest, along a creek and up and down rolling hills in the Genesee County Park & Forest, with an estimated 100 feet of climb in the 10K loop. Trails are very wide and easy to negotiate (rocks and roots are clearly marked for safety). The courses start on asphalt and then lead into the woods for a truly beautiful run through the countryside.
All proceeds benefit ACORNS, a non-profit 501(c)(3) "friends of the park" group that supports the Genesee County parks by connecting people with nature through outdoor learning, education and fun!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
10k Run (In person)
06 10월, 2024 (일) - 09:00
트레일 러닝
6.2 mi
5k Run/Walk (In person)
06 10월, 2024 (일) - 09:15
트레일 러닝
3.1 mi
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버전: 10.7.4