RiverTown's Sun of Beach 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run with Mister Softee Ice Cream
Saint Johns, FL, 미국
25 4월, 2021 (일)
1 mi, 3.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Hang Ten and Join us for Rivertown's Sun of Beach 5k Race and the 1 Mile Run
Break out your favorite Hawaiian shirt, bathing suit, sunglasses and get ready to break a sweat
We will begin RiverTown's amenity center and race through this scenic community. The Run into Summer 5K (3.1 mile) and the Sizzling Mile running/walking race will be professionally chip timed. The race is taking place on Sunday April 25th and starts at 8:00 am. Packet pick up will be at race location that morning between 7:00 am - 7:45 am.
Fastest Male and Female for the 5k race will receive a $75 gift card to RiverTown's Cafe
All Finishers will receive a Finishers Lei and a Mister Softee Ice Cream Cone
All people registered will also receive
Florida Race Day Sports Bottle or Sports Towel ( while supplies last, no guarantee on which item is available) Free Downloadable Finisher PhotosLive ResultsRacing BibCosts of Sun of Beach 5K and Mile are $25 ages 18 and up, $20 ages aged 17 and under
Age Groups will be awarded to fastest Male in Female based on ages 0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 years and older.
5k Course Map HERE
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버전: 10.9.6