Richmond's Boxer Brief 5K for Colorectal Cancer Prevention
에디션 기록
Richmond, VA, 미국
07 6월, 2025 (토)
5 km
이벤트 정보
The annual Boxer Brief 5K Run/Walk unites colorectal cancer survivors, patients, families, and supporters in the fight against this preventable disease. This event, held at City Stadium and virtually, offers various activities to raise awareness and funds for "Hitting Cancer Below the Belt" for their screening and educational services. Participants can enjoy games, music, and prizes while competing or completing challenges across multiple sports activities. Special races for children, including the Diaper Dash, Toddler Trot, and Caped Colon Crusader sprint, add family-friendly excitement, honoring those affected by colorectal cancer. Join us for a day of fun, fitness, and impact.
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버전: 10.9.7