REVEL Mt Charleston Marathon & Half Marathon
에디션 기록
21.097 km, 42.195 km
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 2주 남았습니다
05 4월, 2025 (토) - 06:00
42.195 km
5211 ft 하락 고도
The REVEL Mt Charleston Marathon course offers the best of Kyle Canyon, including breathtaking views of the forests and cliffs of the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area. Runners will enjoy the fresh scent of towering pines, glimpses of mountain wildlife, and the charm of the Mt Charleston community. If that were not enough, the course is entirely downhill on a paved highway and is a Boston Marathon qualifier!
The Marathon begins roughly 21 miles up Kyle Canyon Rd near the original Mt Charleston Lodge. Standing at 7,600 ft above sea level surrounded by snowcapped peaks and fresh mountain air, runners will feel a world away from nearby downtown Las Vegas. The course meanders through the Cathedral Rock area for the first mile before reaching the main stretch of Kyle Canyon Rd.
Once on the main highway, the route begins a 20-mile stretch of pure running bliss as the course heads downhill towards Las Vegas at a nearly steady 4% grade. Along the way runners will enjoy stunning views of the sun rising over nearby Gass Peak to the East and the Las Vegas Strip to the South.
The final five miles take runners through the beautiful palm-lined roads of the Centennial Hills neighborhood. Continuing its downhill slope the course ends at Centennial Hills Park, where finish festivities await and plenty of comfortable grass is to be found. REVEL Mt Charleston is the fastest and most beautiful marathon in Nevada!
The Marathon begins roughly 21 miles up Kyle Canyon Rd near the original Mt Charleston Lodge. Standing at 7,600 ft above sea level surrounded by snowcapped peaks and fresh mountain air, runners will feel a world away from nearby downtown Las Vegas. The course meanders through the Cathedral Rock area for the first mile before reaching the main stretch of Kyle Canyon Rd.
Once on the main highway, the route begins a 20-mile stretch of pure running bliss as the course heads downhill towards Las Vegas at a nearly steady 4% grade. Along the way runners will enjoy stunning views of the sun rising over nearby Gass Peak to the East and the Las Vegas Strip to the South.
The final five miles take runners through the beautiful palm-lined roads of the Centennial Hills neighborhood. Continuing its downhill slope the course ends at Centennial Hills Park, where finish festivities await and plenty of comfortable grass is to be found. REVEL Mt Charleston is the fastest and most beautiful marathon in Nevada!
보스턴 마라톤 예선
Half Marathon
05 4월, 2025 (토) - 06:00
21.097 km
2100 ft 하락 고도
The REVEL Mt Charleston Half Marathon course offers the best of Kyle Canyon, including breathtaking views of the mountain cliffs and deserts of the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area. Runners will enjoy the canyon walls, glimpses of mountain wildlife, and the serenity of the beautiful Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. If that were not enough, the course is entirely downhill on a paved highway and offers the best PR opportunity around!
The Half Marathon course begins roughly eight miles up Kyle Canyon Rd near the Twilight Zone recreation area. Standing at 4,600 feet above sea level surrounded by snowcapped peaks and fresh mountain air, runners will feel a world away from nearby downtown Las Vegas.
The route begins by treating runners to an 8-mile stretch of pure running bliss as the course heads downhill towards Las Vegas at a nearly steady 4% grade. Along the way runners will enjoy stunning views of the sun rising over nearby Gass Peak to the East and the Las Vegas Strip to the South.
The final five miles take runners through the beautiful palm-lined roads of the Centennial Hills neighborhood. Continuing its downhill slope the course ends at Centennial Hills Park, where finish festivities await and plenty of comfortable grass is to be found. REVEL Mt Charleston is the fastest and most beautiful half marathon in Nevada!
The Half Marathon course begins roughly eight miles up Kyle Canyon Rd near the Twilight Zone recreation area. Standing at 4,600 feet above sea level surrounded by snowcapped peaks and fresh mountain air, runners will feel a world away from nearby downtown Las Vegas.
The route begins by treating runners to an 8-mile stretch of pure running bliss as the course heads downhill towards Las Vegas at a nearly steady 4% grade. Along the way runners will enjoy stunning views of the sun rising over nearby Gass Peak to the East and the Las Vegas Strip to the South.
The final five miles take runners through the beautiful palm-lined roads of the Centennial Hills neighborhood. Continuing its downhill slope the course ends at Centennial Hills Park, where finish festivities await and plenty of comfortable grass is to be found. REVEL Mt Charleston is the fastest and most beautiful half marathon in Nevada!
보스턴 마라톤 예선
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버전: 10.7.4