Red Baron Half Marathon
6.2 mi, 21.1 km
이벤트 정보
Welcome to the ALL NEW 2023 Red Baron Half Marathon, 10k, and 2-Person Team Event!
The 42nd annual Red Baron is a live in-person race with a 2-person team, 10k, and virtual options. Special pricing is available for current Corning Community College students.
The new two loop course starts and finishes on the campus of Corning Community College. The first lap will be 6.9 miles and the second lap 6.2 miles. The two laps will follow mostly the same hilly route.
You must be able to complete the half marathon in 4 hours.
WHEN: Sunday, October 29, 2023. The race starts promptly at 12:00pm.
WHERE: Start at Corning Community College, 1 Academic Drive, Corning, NY 14830. Refer to the course map for details including aid station and porta-potty locations. Bib pick-up and the post race celebration will be in the Commons at SUNY Corning Community College.
TEAMS: There is a 2-person team option. Teams receive two sets of swag and medals. Runner #1 covers 6.9 miles and Runner #2 covers 6.2 miles. The team exchange point, start, and finish line will all be in front of the Commons. Both loops are similar with Runner #1 traversing a longer section of Spencer Hill Rd before turning around.
When registering your team, the captain fills out the registration form and is asked for information (name, shirt size, emergency contact, etc) regarding their teammate. We collect the entire team fee from the captain.
ONLINE REGISTRATION is the only option. There is no paper mail-in form. We have decided to reduce our paper usage to help the environment.
ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES: Midnight, October 27. Same day registration will be available before the race.
PACKET PICKUP/ONSITE REGISTRATION: Packet pick up will be from 9:30 - 11:45 , October 29 in the Commons of Corning Community College.
AWARDS: Top overall winners for Male, Female, and Teams (Male-Male, Female-Female, and Coed) as well as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each age group category. There will be an in-person Awards Ceremony in the Commons at SUNY Corning Community College.
AGE GROUP CATEGORIES: 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+.
RESULTS: The event is chip timed and results will be available online the day of the race.
VIRTUAL RESULTS: You will have 2 weeks (10-22 - 11-5) to enter your time on RunSignUp.
SWAG: All half marathon and relay participants will receive an eco-friendly hoodie. 10k participants will receive STRC and race branded Sock Guy, socks.
FINISHER’S MEDAL: All finishers receive a custom finisher’s medal. Teams receive two medals.
POST RACE: The post-race celebration will take place at Corning Community College. Food will be catered, and there will be vegetarian options.
PARKING: Parking will be available in the Corning Community College parking lots.
There are no deferrals, refunds, or credits for other STRC events.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Half Marathon
21.1 km
6.2 mi
Half Marathon Relay
21.1 km
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
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버전: 10.7.4