이벤트 정보
Do you like puppies and fellowship? If so, please join some members of the recovery community at an informal but super fun 5k. Walk, run, skateboard, skip, hop, however you want to participate, is up to you. We will be gathering on Sunday, November 21st at 8:00AM along the Canal. All proceeds from this event will be donated to our friends at the Desert Tails Shelter in Scottsdale, AZ. The entry fee is $15 and includes a t-shirt.
We will meet at E. Lafayette Blvd. and 68th St. on a grassy knoll also known as Lafayette Park; there is street parking.
Following the 5k, we will be hosting a gathering at the park (the starting point) with light snacks. We will be distributing the t-shirts before and after the event starts.
Disclaimer: please do not hold us to any expectations as this is our first event and our priority is to help the animals. We can guarantee a good time, lots of laughs, and an opportunity to burn off your future Thanksgiving dinner.
We look forward to seeing everyone there and very much appreciate your support! If you would like to volunteer or help support the cause in another way, please reach out to us.
Suh-mean, Katttt, Tuhneesha, Brandunn & Hannugh
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Recovery Run for Rescues
3.1 mi
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
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버전: 10.7.4