RCDCU Bike to Fight Prostate Cancer
3 mi, 10 mi, 30 mi, 50 mi
이벤트 정보
The RCDCU Annual Bike-A-Thon takes you through the scenic back roads of Franklin Twp. Cyclist can choose between 10, 30 or 50 mile routes.
The purpose of the RCDCU Bike-A-Thon is to raise the awareness of prostate cancer and the importance of early detection, screening, education and nutrition. The money raised will be donated to the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, RWJ Barnabas Health at Somerset to help defray the cost for prostate screening and the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jerssey. According to the statistics released from the Prostate Cancer Foundation, over 200,00 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer last year alone. It's estimated that over 2 million American men are currently living with prostate cancer. As men increase in age the risk of developing prostate cancer increases significantly. Our goal is to promote awareness with this event and hope to spread the word of the importance of early detection, screening, education and nutrition.The Bike Routes:The RCDCU Bike-A-Thon begins and ends at the Franklin Township Community Center,505 DeMott Lane Somerset NJ promptly at 8:00 am.The 3 Mile Fun Ride/Walk:Will start at the community center walk along paved path along DeMott Lane to the Quail Brook Park on New Brunswick road. This is a great way to get the whole family involved in the event.10 Mile Ride: is named the Robert "Cozy" Merrits Memorial ride in memory of our beloved board member. This ride takes you through the the quiet neighborhoods of Franklin Township and out into the reserved open space land. There is a full rest stop located at the Commuity Baptist Church on DeMott Lane.30 Mile Ride:This challenging ride takes you through the quiet neighborhoods of Franklin Township into the beautiful Colonial Park, and along the historic Delaware Raritain Canal and Millstone River. Full rest stops in both Colonial Park and at the halfway point at the Griggstown Fire Station #35 on Canal Road.All Rest stops are fully stocked with water, energy bars, and fruit. The 50 Mile Ride:This challenging ride is for the seasoned cyclist following along the beginning of the 30 Mile route continuing along the Delaware Raritan Canal as well as the Millstone River. It takes you through parts of the historic Rocky Hill section of Somerset following along routes traveled by General George Washington and into Kingston. There will be fully stocked rest areas in Community Baptist Church on DeMott Lane , Colonial Park, and the historic Griggstown Fire Station #35 and will be supported by a fully stocked SAG vehicle.Whether riding or walking, as a team or a single person, you won't want to miss the opportunity to "Ride/Walk Your Way To Fun And Fitness" and support a very important cause. A delicious buffet Lunch will be served at the end of the ride as well as presentations of awards. All routes will have SAG vehicles available to assist if and when needed.
Registration Fee includes Breakfast, Lunch and our signature T-shirt.
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버전: 10.9.0