Race for CHAnge
3.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Spend a beautiful, Fall morning in Goochland running through the beautiful West Creek Business Park, conveniently located off of Route 288. The race begins and ends at Kindred Spirit Brewing (parking available on site) and the course will follow scenic West Creek Parkway. The scenery will be great and the cause even greater as we raise funds for pediatric cancer research in memory of Cooper Henry Abbott who lost his battle to the disease in November 2017 at age 9. Bring your kids and your family as we race to bring CHAnge to kids fighting cancer.
5th Annual Race for CHAnge GOAL:Our 2022 goal is $35,000! Donate today to help us fund research into new treatments for kids facing cancer.
Race for CHAnge is now seeking sponsors! Click here to learn more and become a sponsor!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Virtual 5K
3.1 mi
5K Run
3.1 mi
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
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© Ahotu는 World's Sports Group 소유의 서비스 및 브랜드입니다. 저작권을 포함한 모든 권리가 보호됩니다.
버전: 10.7.4