Pioneer Spirit Triathlon - Sprint, Mini, & Challenge | 5k Run
에디션 기록
Menard County, IL, 미국
10 5월, 2025 (토)
5 km
300 yd
13 mi
3.1 mi
100 yd
5 mi
1 mi
이벤트 정보
The Pioneer Spirit Sprint and Mini triathlon are a mid-spring tri-series that enables seasoned triathletes or beginning triathletes to test out their abilities in a short-distance, heated indoor pool, triathlon. If you take on the Tri-Challenge you participate in the mini-sprint as well as a sprint distance to test your stamina and talent for the triathlon.
5k: New This Year!Event (All Ages): 3Mi Run/Walk
The 5k will begin at 9:15 am.There will be a gun start. All participants will complete the same route as the running portion of the Sprint Triathlon. Participants will have 2 hours to complete the route. MINI: Event (All Ages): 100 Yard Pool Swim • 5Mi Bike • 1Mi Run The Mini Triathlon will begin at 8:30 am.The race includes a 100-yard swim, a 5-mile bike ride down a flat rural road, and finishing with a 1 mile run.This event is tailored to the novice triathlete and will serve as a great introduction to triathlon for children and adults.Athena/Clydesdale options are also available for the mini-triathlon.There are no team registrations. SPRINT: Event (Ages 12 & up): 300-Yard Pool Swim • 13Mi Bike • 3.1Mi Run The Sprint Triathlon will begin at 9:30 am.The race includes a 300-yard swim, a 13-mile bike ride on a rolling and flat prairie road, and finishing with a 3.1 mile run through picturesque Petersburg. The run will take you past century-old architectural structures and through a historic cemetery. Athena/Clydesdale options are also available for the sprint triathlon.There are no team registrations. TRI-CHALLENGE: Event (Ages 12 & up): 100 Yard Pool Swim • 5Mi Bike • 1Mi Run & 300-Yard Pool Swim • 13Mi Bike • 3.1Mi Run, back to back. The Tri-Challenge will begin with the Mini starting at 8:30 am and the Sprint starting at 9:30 am.The mini race includes a 100-yard swim, a 5-mile bike ride down a flat rural road, and finishing with a 1 mile run.The sprint race includes a 300-yard swim, a 13-mile bike ride on a rolling and flat prairie road, and finishing with a 3.1 mile run through picturesque Petersburg. The run will take you past century-old architectural structures and through a historic cemetery. Athena/Clydesdale options are also available for the Tri-Challenge.There are no team registrations. GENERAL INFORMATION: All ages are welcome for the mini triathlon. Ages (12+) are welcome for the sprint and challenge triathlons.An awards ceremony will follow after the last runner crosses the finish line of the Sprint.Post-race showers will be available at the PORTA pool.Fee includes: Use of timing chips (chips must be returned), BIB #, race specific SWAG, finishing medals for all athletes, placement awards, water, and post race food.
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버전: 10.9.7