Pacific Crest Endurance Sports Festival
3.1 mi, 6.2 mi, 13.1 mi, 42 km
5 km
12.5 mi
3.1 mi
5 km
25 mi
10 km
5 km
56.7 mi
13.1 mi
800 m
12.5 mi
800 m
25 mi
800 m
56.7 mi
800 m
12.5 mi
3.1 mi
800 m
25 mi
10 km
800 m
56.7 mi
13.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Join us for the 31st Annual Pacific Crest Endurance Sports Festival! This event has something for everyone, including Beastman 70.3, Olympic & Sprint Distance Triathlon/Duathlon/AquaBike, Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K/10K, and Kids Splash & Dash! Rally your friends & family for an incredible RACE-cation you won’t want to miss!
Pacific Crest is known as the jewel of multisport events in the Northwest, and it has become a traditional destination race for athletes from across the nation, as well as from across the globe. It is the perfect family vacation destination. You don’t have to take our word for it — join us for this spectacular event and see for yourself.
Pacific Crest events begin Friday evening, with Kids Splash & Dash followed by the 5k race! The competition and fun continues into Saturday afternoon. Join thousands of athletes who have enjoyed the Pacific Crest experience and take this opportunity for fun, camaraderie, and, most of all – some of the best competitive racing you will find in the country. It’s an ideal, active, family vacation in beautiful, scenic Bend, Oregon.
The event and accommodations often SELL OUT, so it is advised you register and make your travel plans as soon as possible. There is only enough room for 1,000 bikes in the multi-sport events. You don’t want to miss out on this spectacular event!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 12주 남았습니다
Deschutes Dash 5K (Friday)
3.1 mi
Beastman Triathlon
800 m
56.7 mi
13.1 mi
800 m강사이클링
56.7 mi도로러닝
13.1 mi도로
Beastman Aquabike
800 m
56.7 mi
800 m강사이클링
56.7 mi도로
Beastman Duathlon
5 km
56.7 mi
13.1 mi
5 km도로사이클링
56.7 mi도로러닝
13.1 mi도로
Olympic Triathlon
800 m
25 mi
10 km
800 m강사이클링
25 mi도로러닝
10 km도로
Olympic Duathlon
5 km
25 mi
10 km
5 km도로사이클링
25 mi도로러닝
10 km도로
Olympic Aquabike
800 m
25 mi
800 m강사이클링
25 mi도로
Sprint Duathlon
5 km
12.5 mi
3.1 mi
5 km도로사이클링
12.5 mi도로러닝
3.1 mi도로
Sprint Aquabike
800 m
12.5 mi
800 m강사이클링
12.5 mi도로
Sprint Triathlon
800 m
12.5 mi
3.1 mi
800 m강사이클링
12.5 mi도로러닝
3.1 mi도로
Half Marathon (Saturday)
13.1 mi
Deschutes Dash 10K (Saturday)
6.2 mi
Marathon (Saturday)
42 km
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.7.4