Osaka Castle Triathlon
에디션 기록
Osakaj, 일본
25 5월, 2025 (일)
750 m
20 km
5 km
1500 m
40 km
10 km
이벤트 정보
You will swim around Osaka Castle.
This moat was rebuilt in its present form between 1994 and 1997, and was completed in March 1997 to coincide with the completion of the "Heisei-no-daizen" renovation of the castle tower.
The swim in this moat has been the focus of a lot of media attention!
The course will take you out of the water and greenery of Osaka Castle Park, to the skyscrapers of OBP, the international information city where culture and information coexist, and then turn around at the Yomiuri TV headquarters.
The course will take you through the ancient Osaka Castle and the greenery of the business oasis of the future, in harmony with the history of the city.
Surrounded by a forest full of greenery and with a view of Osaka Castle, the run is a special experience!
The cheers from the many spectators filling the streets will encourage you.
We will prepare an emotional finish line for all the athletes.
FINISH with your best smile!
You will swim around Osaka Castle.
This moat was rebuilt in its present form between 1994 and 1997, and was completed in March 1997 to coincide with the completion of the "Heisei-no-daizen" renovation of the castle tower.
The swim in this moat has been the focus of a lot of media attention!
The course will take you out of the water and greenery of Osaka Castle Park, to the skyscrapers of OBP, the international information city where culture and information coexist, and then turn around at the Yomiuri TV headquarters.
The course will take you through the ancient Osaka Castle and the greenery of the business oasis of the future, in harmony with the history of the city.
Surrounded by a forest full of greenery and with a view of Osaka Castle, the run is a special experience!
The cheers from the many spectators filling the streets will encourage you.
We will prepare an emotional finish line for all the athletes.
FINISH with your best smile!
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버전: 10.7.4