Oreos and Ice Cream 5k with Mister Softee
에디션 기록
Jacksonville, FL, 미국
14 9월, 2024 (토)
1 mi, 3.1 mi, 10 km
이벤트 정보
Mister Softee and Running - Why Not??
eTown in Jacksonville, Mister Softee and Florida Race Day are excited for this sweet race.
Join us September 14th for the 4th annual Mister Softee Ice Cream 5k and 10k The race takes place in the awesome new neighborhood of eTown which is close to 9B and 1-95.
Packet pickup is located at race start on race morning between 645 am - 7:30 am
Runners Receive:
Chip Timed 5k Race, 10k Race or 1 mile fun runMoisture Wicking Technical Race Shirt For 5k and 10K , optional for 1 mile participantsFinisher MedalMister Softee Soft Serve Cone with SprinklesRacing BibDownloadable Finisher PhotoLive Results5k and 10K Awards will be based on finisher times and awarded by Gender and age groups 10 and under, 11-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59,60-69 and 70 and older
Also you have the option to form a Mister Softee Team. This would consist of 4 or more team members where the fastest 4 receive an average time and fastest team wins.
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버전: 10.9.5