Olympia Marathon
3 (1)
에디션 기록
Ancient Olympia, 그리스
16-17 3월, 2024 (토 - 일)
12 km, 21.097 km, 42.195 km
이벤트 정보
The Olympia Marathon is one of the most prestigious races held in the spring. This competition brings together the international running community in the sacred grounds of Olympia from the 28th to 29th of March. It is a tribute to the connection between the Olympic Games and the Marathon, which has its origin in the ancient Olympic Games. At that time, athletes gathered in the city of Elis to train and compete for a place in the Games. Two days before the opening ceremony, the procession of participants, trainers, judges (hellanodikai) and thousands of people set off on the Sacred Road to Olympia. This route began in Elis, passing through Amaliada and ending in the city of Pyrgos. Along the way, the procession stopped at Piera fountain to offer sacrifices to Zeus, before continuing onto the Holy Olympia grounds. Three races are held as part of the Olympia Marathon: a 12 km race from Ancient Elis to Amaliada, a full marathon from Amaliada to Olympia, and a half-marathon from Pyrgos to Olympia. Come and join this celebration of sport and Olympism, and experience the same moments of glory that started it all! Registration is already open - don't miss out!
For more information, visit https://www.olympiamarathon.gr/en/.
For more information, visit https://www.olympiamarathon.gr/en/.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Ancient Elis 12km race
16 3월, 2024 (토)
12 km
Starting from the archaeological site of Ancient Elis the course goes through the villages Avgeio and Sosti and finishes in the town of Amaliada
Olympia Half Marathon
17 3월, 2024 (일)
21.097 km
The second most important race of the program, starting from the center of Pyrgos and finishing in Ancient Olympia, will give the opportunity to those who are not yet able to finish a marathon to participate in this unique running event.
Olympia Marathon
17 3월, 2024 (일)
42.195 km
코스 경로 보기
The Course is relatively flat. Start from the city of Amaliada, pass through the city of Pyrgos and end in the historic town of Ancient Olympia, a few hundrend meters far from the ancient stadium (the whole course is on tarmac road).
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