NorthShore Inline Marathon and Skate Fest
인라인 스케이트
6.2 mi, 13.1 mi, 26.2 mi, 39.3 mi
10 km, 21.1 km
크로스컨트리 스키
21 km, 42 km
이벤트 정보
Founded in 1996, the NorthShore Inline Marathon is dedicated to spreading the love of inline skating and overall fitness. Every year thousands of athletes of all ages come to Duluth to participate in this one-of-a-kind event. The NSIM offers a historic route, great views, and an even better community. It has been called one of the best inline marathons in the world by countless publications and has become a tradition for many. Come join us this year for our 28th year of skating.
Our event also includes our running division, which hosts two breathtaking runs. The first is the St. Luke's Half Marathon, one of Minnesota's most beautiful half marathons. This event begins on the scenic North Shore highway, with runners making their way through the Northland woods, passing through the tunnels of Interstate 35, and finishing alongside the iconic William A. Irvin. Our second race, the Finden Marketing Tunnel 10k, offers runners a unique experience of traversing the I-35 tunnels, covering 6 miles of interstate before finishing near the William A. Irvin.
Lastly, our VW of Duluth Roller Ski Division is an emerging part of our race series. It offers roller skiers of all skill levels two options: a 42k and a 21k Rollerski. Participants can ski alongside over 2,000 inline skaters, immersing themselves in the event's lively atmosphere!
Bring friends, make memories, and skate on!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 25주 남았습니다
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
인기 목적지: 인라인 스케이트
제휴 파트너
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버전: 10.9.5