Muddy Angel Run - Bruxelles
Edition 4
에디션 기록
Hofstade, Flanders, 벨기에
09 10월, 2021 (토)
이벤트 크기: 1000 - 4999 참가자
장애물 경주
5 km
이벤트 정보
The “Muddy Angel Run” is Europe’s 5 kilometer Mud Run for women of all fitness levels who want to do good while having fun.
Whether running, jogging or walking. Whether young or old, whether a small or large donation: connect with other angels from your friends, colleagues, and family. Get your sisters, your mother, daughters, neighbors, colleagues in your team to have fun and do good!
Worldwide over one million women have participated in Mud Runs against breast cancer. With your participation in the Muddy Angel Run you support this movement and become part of a unique community.
Whether running, jogging or walking. Whether young or old, whether a small or large donation: connect with other angels from your friends, colleagues, and family. Get your sisters, your mother, daughters, neighbors, colleagues in your team to have fun and do good!
Worldwide over one million women have participated in Mud Runs against breast cancer. With your participation in the Muddy Angel Run you support this movement and become part of a unique community.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Muddy Angel Run - Bruxelles
09 10월, 2021 (토)
장애물 경주
5 km
여성 전용
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공식 링크
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