Move with PT 5k

Dayton, OH, 미국
12 4월, 2025 (토)


5 km

이벤트 정보

The Move with UD DPT event, presented by UD DPT students and Orion Sports Medicine, is designed to promote endurance sports and community involvement. It supports the UD DPT program by contributing to professional development, scholarship opportunities, and community outreach. Participants can choose between an in-person or virtual option, enabling supporters who cannot attend to contribute financially. The event takes place at the University of Dayton RecPlex, with a range of registration options. The event aims to foster a spirit of endurance while benefiting educational and community initiatives.

이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스

준비할 시간이 약 18주 남았습니다

5k Run/Walk

12 4월, 2025 (토) - 10:00
5 km


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버전: 9.26.3