이벤트 정보
Join the Movement for Human Rights!
Show your sporty side and run for humanity during the 11.11.11 trail run 'Miles for Humanity'. Come to the beautiful De Kluis estate in Leuven on Sunday, November 3, 2024, and run for both your rights and human rights worldwide.
In the nature reserve De Kluis, you'll run along winding paths, through dense forests, and enjoy stunning landscapes. Move for universal human rights like the right to education, safety, and healthcare. Because we believe no one person is worth more than another, and in equal rights for all.
Make a difference. Sign up now for the 11.11.11 trail run Miles for Humanity and run for humanity.
Show your sporty side and run for humanity during the 11.11.11 trail run 'Miles for Humanity'. Come to the beautiful De Kluis estate in Leuven on Sunday, November 3, 2024, and run for both your rights and human rights worldwide.
In the nature reserve De Kluis, you'll run along winding paths, through dense forests, and enjoy stunning landscapes. Move for universal human rights like the right to education, safety, and healthcare. Because we believe no one person is worth more than another, and in equal rights for all.
Make a difference. Sign up now for the 11.11.11 trail run Miles for Humanity and run for humanity.
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버전: 10.9.4