이벤트 정보
13th Annual Michelle's Memorial 5k
In Person Race - Saturday, November 23
Virtual Run - November 13th through November 23rd Michelle A. Schuler-Bewley graduated from Royalton Hartland Central School in the class of 1994. She was a tremendous athlete on the Field Hockey, Swimming and Track & Field teams in addition to being a part of Orchestra, Chorus, Student Government and National Honor Society. More importantly though, Michelle was a leader that cared greatly about her community, looked for ways to help those around her and had a zest for life. In 2006, Michelle passed away in a car accident. Later that same year Michelle's family formed a scholarship in her name to be given out to Seniors graduating from her Alma Mater. By 2012, the Michelle's Memorial 5K was formed and has become an annual fall tradition in Middleport, fostering community spirit. Today, Michelle's Memorial, Inc. is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of Empowering Education (by way of the Michelle A. Bewley Scholar Athlete Award), Promoting Wellness (through the annual 5K), and Addressing Community Needs; all in memory of Michelle. To date, Michelle's Memorial, Inc. has given out 26 scholarships to graduating Seniors at Royalton Hartland Central School totaling over $40,000, continually supports local events/causes and gives to areas of need in the community.
In Person Race - Saturday, November 23
Virtual Run - November 13th through November 23rd Michelle A. Schuler-Bewley graduated from Royalton Hartland Central School in the class of 1994. She was a tremendous athlete on the Field Hockey, Swimming and Track & Field teams in addition to being a part of Orchestra, Chorus, Student Government and National Honor Society. More importantly though, Michelle was a leader that cared greatly about her community, looked for ways to help those around her and had a zest for life. In 2006, Michelle passed away in a car accident. Later that same year Michelle's family formed a scholarship in her name to be given out to Seniors graduating from her Alma Mater. By 2012, the Michelle's Memorial 5K was formed and has become an annual fall tradition in Middleport, fostering community spirit. Today, Michelle's Memorial, Inc. is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of Empowering Education (by way of the Michelle A. Bewley Scholar Athlete Award), Promoting Wellness (through the annual 5K), and Addressing Community Needs; all in memory of Michelle. To date, Michelle's Memorial, Inc. has given out 26 scholarships to graduating Seniors at Royalton Hartland Central School totaling over $40,000, continually supports local events/causes and gives to areas of need in the community.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
In Person 5k
23 11월, 2024 (토) - 09:00
3.1 mi
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버전: 10.7.4