Miami Man Half Iron & International Triathlon
0.6 mi
22 mi
6.2 mi
1.2 mi
56 mi
13.1 mi
1.2 mi
56 mi
이벤트 정보
Half Iron (Long Course) Triathlon (S-1.2, B-56, R-13.1)
Half Iron (Long Course) Duathlon (R-1.2, B-56, R-13.1)
Half Iron (Long Course) Aquabike (S-1.2, B-56)
International Triathlon (S-.6, B-22, R-6.2)
International Duathlon (R-1.2, B-22, R-6.2)
International Aquabike (S-.6, B-22)
On November 13, 2022, athletes will reignite an old tradition in what is sure to be Miami’s Largest and Longest Triathlon! Proudly brought to you by Integrity Multisport™. When you race, be sure that you “Race with Integrity™”.
Athletes will enjoy a fresh water swim in full view of spectators. Half Iron participants will do 2 loops, while International Distance racers will do 1.
The bike course is goes through rural areas of Miami-Dade County and the first 2 miles will be substantially improved from races at this location in the past. Half Iron racers will go out, do 2 loops, then return for a total of 56 miles, passing the bike course aid station 3 times. International distance participants will do an out and back course, turning around before reaching the aid station.
The new International Distance run consists of a full 5 miles on the Zoo Miami public pathway viewing animals! Way more than ever before! The International run is an out and back run totaling 6.2 miles.
The Half Iron run is a 2 lap out-and-back run through Larry & Penny Thompson Park. What about the animals? This year for the Half Iron, we are bringing the animals to YOU! We will have multiple exotic animal shows at the finish/awards area after the race so you can get up close and even hold some animals for a picture!
This is sure to be the best Miami Man experience ever! Don’t miss it!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Half Iron (Long Course) Triathlon (S-1.2, B-56, R-13.1)
1.2 mi
56 mi
13.1 mi
1.2 mi기록 측정사이클링
56 mi기록 측정러닝
13.1 mi기록 측정
Half Iron (Long Course) Duathlon (R-1.2, B-56, R-13.1)
1.2 mi
56 mi
13.1 mi
1.2 mi사이클링
56 mi러닝
13.1 mi
Half Iron (Long Course) Aquabike (S-1.2, B-56)
1.2 mi
56 mi
1.2 mi사이클링
56 mi
International Triathlon (S-.6, B-22, R-6.2)
0.6 mi
22 mi
6.2 mi
0.6 mi사이클링
22 mi도로러닝
6.2 mi도로
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
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버전: 10.7.4