Maruti Suzuki Arena Devils Circuit Mumbai 2024-25
장애물 경주
5 km
이벤트 정보
Asia’s Biggest Obstacle Race, the Maruti Suzuki Arena Devils Circuit, is an annual event that every sports enthusiast bookmarks in their calendar. Organised in six cities between September and March, it draws enthusiasts from a wide demographic spectrum, who run the 5 km race track of 15 military-style obstacles to test their mental and physical strength. This is an experience of a lifetime and a great way to spend a productive weekend in company of other health-conscious participants. Over the past eight seasons, Maruti Suzuki Arena Devils Circuit has seen people from every kind of background—from officers in the army to retired professionals above 60, elite athletes, corporates, homemakers, college kids, and inspiring individuals who continue to battle serious health issues.
The DC tribe of ‘SwiftDevilSlayers’ is 2 Million strong and continues to grow exponentially as more people come to experience the positivity and organic high that surrounds the event. After the race, there are dance fitness sessions, food trucks, and engagement zones to be enjoyed—the after-party as we like to call it—continues till late in the afternoon.
Participants can take part in either of the three categories:
Wave A : For Elite Athletes who run at least six of ten cities. Both the male and female winners win a brand new Maruti Suzuki Swift car along with cash prizes.
Competitive Category: For Fitness Enthusiasts who want to time their race
Non-Competitive Category: For Everyone Who Wants to Have Fun With Friends and Family
Maruti Suzuki Arena Devils Circuit is all about pushing your limits and reaching to the heights you never imagined you could! It’s not just a track to conquer but also an experience of lifetime.
The DC tribe of ‘SwiftDevilSlayers’ is 2 Million strong and continues to grow exponentially as more people come to experience the positivity and organic high that surrounds the event. After the race, there are dance fitness sessions, food trucks, and engagement zones to be enjoyed—the after-party as we like to call it—continues till late in the afternoon.
Participants can take part in either of the three categories:
Wave A : For Elite Athletes who run at least six of ten cities. Both the male and female winners win a brand new Maruti Suzuki Swift car along with cash prizes.
Competitive Category: For Fitness Enthusiasts who want to time their race
Non-Competitive Category: For Everyone Who Wants to Have Fun With Friends and Family
Maruti Suzuki Arena Devils Circuit is all about pushing your limits and reaching to the heights you never imagined you could! It’s not just a track to conquer but also an experience of lifetime.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Wave A (Competitive)
20 10월, 2024 (일) - 07:00
장애물 경주
5 km
Wave B (Competitive)
20 10월, 2024 (일) - 07:20
장애물 경주
5 km
Wave C (Non-Competitive)
20 10월, 2024 (일) - 07:40
장애물 경주
5 km
Wave D (Non-Competitive)
20 10월, 2024 (일) - 08:00
장애물 경주
5 km
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버전: 10.6.0