이벤트 정보
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
62 km
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
Start: Paseo Marítimo, Calle Rafael Zea, número 17C Up to Parador de Juanar (first aid station - liquid, hot drink and solid): - 14 km (Cut-off time: 08:00) POINT OF ABANDONMENT + AMBULANCE We start from the Marbella promenade, where we will have 1.5 km of asphalt to position ourselves. After approximately 2.5 km, we will enter the mountain, where we will begin a significant ascent. The initial route runs along a damp and densely vegetated path, which will lead us to a technical climb. This will take us to the Allanás pass, from where we descend to the next refreshment point. Warning: This route includes technical and demanding uphill and downhill sections. Participants are advised to be prepared for uneven terrain, wet surfaces and dense vegetation. Up to Casa Purla (2nd aid station - liquid, solid): - 23 km POINT OF ABANDONMENT (Cutt-off time: 10:00 h ) Type of terrain: The route begins with a sandy zigzag and abundant loose stones, which requires attention and care. Further on, the path turns into a technical trail that winds through pinsapos, leading us towards Cuchillos. This section includes a beautiful and technical ridge that can be somewhat dangerous on bad weather days due to the dense fog. Finally, we will reach the next aid station. Warning: Particular caution is advised on the Cuchillos ridge, especially under adverse weather conditions such as dense fog, which can significantly reduce visibility and increase the risk of accidents. Up to José Lima (3rd aid station - liquid, solid) - 27.00 km POINT OF ABANDONMENT (cut-off time 12:00 h ) Type of terrain: We start from Casa Purla following a path that has a considerable slope and crosses several areas with a lot of loose stones. After overcoming these difficulties, we will descend a steep and technical descent that will lead us directly to the next aid station. Warning: This section requires special attention due to the uneven terrain and the presence of loose stones, which increases the risk of slips and falls. It is crucial to proceed with caution, especially on the technical descent, where stability and control are essential to avoid accidents. The use of suitable footwear with good traction and, if necessary, poles to improve balance is recommended. Up to Puerto de Marbella (base de Juanar) (4th aid station - liquid, solid): - 35.00 km POINT OF ABANDONMENT + AMBULANCE (cut off time - 15:00 h) Type of terrain: We start the route ascending a technical and somewhat sandy path. We then descend via the Maja del Herrador, a very technical and slippery descent, which takes us to the entrance of Cerezal. We then climb another sandy path before entering a completely technical terrain, characterised by intense ups and downs and a 100% stony composition that will lead us to the next aid station. Warning: It is essential to approach the descent of the Maja del Herrador with extreme caution, as it is very technical and slippery. Controlled progress is recommended to avoid slips and falls, especially in wet conditions. Likewise, the up and down rocky section requires concentration and technical skill. Up to Istán(5th aid station - liquid, solid) - 45.00 km - POINT OF ABANDONMENT + AMBULANCE + DROP BAG (cut-off time 18:00 h) Type of terrain: The route starts with a fairly technical ascent and descent to the famous Cruz del Juanar. We then continue along the cordel de Sierra Blanca to La Concha, where we face a significant descent to Istán. This section includes areas that require special attention due to their danger. Warning: This segment of the course covers a 10 km stretch with no intermediate water points. It is crucial that all participants completely refill their water tanks before starting this section and it is compulsory to carry an extra empty bottle specifically for this point. On sunny days, the need for hydration increases, and a single litre may be insufficient, even for the fastest runners. Caution is recommended in the dangerous areas of the descent, keeping a rigorous control of the pace and using the appropriate equipment to ensure safety. Up to Puerto de Marbella (base de Juanar) (6th aid station - liquid, solid) - 54.00 km POINT OF ABANDONMENT + AMBULANCE (cut off time - 21:00 h) Type of terrain: We start the route on medium technical terrain, with a long climb that, although not very steep at the beginning, increases its gradient significantly 1 km before the refreshment point. After reaching this point, you will face an initially technical descent that then opens up, allowing you to increase your pace and loosen up your legs. Warning: It is important to handle the steep incline near the refreshment post with care, adjusting the effort to conserve energy. The initial descent can be technical and demanding, requiring concentration and caution to avoid falls. Once the terrain opens up, although it is possible to increase speed, it is recommended to maintain adequate control to avoid injury. Up to the finish line (liquids, solids, ambulance, post race BBQ…): 61.60 km AMBULANCE (cut off time - 00:00 h (referee) Type of terrain: We start the final stage with an intense descent towards our expected finish, navigating a variety of technical terrain that includes loose stones, sand and several ups and downs, until we reach the asphalt. Once on the tarmac, we will turn left and follow the markers until we take the first right, where we will find another descent that will lead us to the car park. When we leave the car park on our left, we take the second entrance and climb approximately 100 metres more, which will finally lead us to the finish line. Warning: Once on the asphalt, it is crucial to be aware of traffic. Keep a high vigilance and follow all signs and beacons to ensure your safety. The variation in terrain requires careful handling and constant adjustments to your running technique, especially in the technical downhill and finish areas towards the car park. Be sure to manage the effort and maintain your concentration until you cross the finish line.
시작 지점
Calle Rafael Zea, 17, Marbella, España완료 지점
Fuerte de Nagüeles, Calle Lago de los Cisnes, Marbella, España코스 경로 지도
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버전: 10.6.0