이벤트 정보
The Major Taylor Community Ride is a celebration of the inclusiveness of bicycling and is open to all ability levels. Major Taylor's inspiring story is movingly captured in Washington Post author Michael Kranish's book: The World's Fastest Man: The Extraordinary Life of Cyclist Major Taylor, America's First Black Sports Hero. Major Taylor's challenges, accomplishments and life lessons have inspired Major Taylor Cycling Clubs throughout the country, a number of which will be in Wilmington for this very special community ride.
The ride is one half-hour and held on the same Wilmington Grand Prix course that top-tier amateur as well as professional racers will be tackling later that day. IT IS NOT A RACE and family participation is encouraged. Riders can do as few or as many laps as they wish during the half-hour time limit while professional announcers recognize participating groups. In addition, many of the racers competing that day will be joining cycling clubs and the general public for this inspirational ride.
Participation is FREE. All riders must sign a waiver before participation.
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Major Taylor Community Ride
30 min
공식 링크
이번주 베스트 딜
참가 접수가 시작됐습니다
제휴 파트너
표시된 가격은 선택한 통화를 대략적인 비용으로 환산한 것입니다. 구매를 완료하는 동안 환율이 변경될 수 있으므로, 정확한 환율은 은행에 문의하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
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버전: 10.7.4