Mainova Marathon Frankfurt
4.5 (4)
에디션 기록
42.195 km
이벤트 정보
Frankfurt-on-the-Main is a unique German city glinting with glass, steel and concrete skyscrapers that serves as a conurbation to nearly 5.5 million inhabitants. The city is a high-powered finance and business hub boasting one of the world’s largest stock exchanges and the gleaming new headquarters of the European Central Bank. With some of the world’s most important trade fairs, its airport being the third-largest in Europe, and handling an abundance of travelers, Frankfurt is a global enterprise.
Despite its modernity, Frankfurt is a traditional and charming city with half-timbered buildings in a quaint medieval Altstadt, cosy apple wine taverns, village-like neighborhoods, beautiful parks, gardens, and riverside paths. With over a dozen museums, an active nightlife and entertainment scene, and a spirited student population, Frankfurt is a perfect destination for any traveling enthusiast. As home of the Frankfurt Marathon, the city's reputation is thanked for its long-running events, with its official name from 2010 to 2011 being BMW Frankfurt Marathon.
Despite its modernity, Frankfurt is a traditional and charming city with half-timbered buildings in a quaint medieval Altstadt, cosy apple wine taverns, village-like neighborhoods, beautiful parks, gardens, and riverside paths. With over a dozen museums, an active nightlife and entertainment scene, and a spirited student population, Frankfurt is a perfect destination for any traveling enthusiast. As home of the Frankfurt Marathon, the city's reputation is thanked for its long-running events, with its official name from 2010 to 2011 being BMW Frankfurt Marathon.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 32주 남았습니다
Marathon Relay
26 10월, 2025 (일)
42.195 km
26 10월, 2025 (일)
42.195 km
코스 경로 보기
The race starts at Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage at the Messeturm expo tower. It visits several neighbourhoods including the Sachsenhausen district and other residential areas before returning downtown on Mainzer Landstraße. The course takes the runners on both banks of the river Main with great view on the city's skyscrapers.
To reach the finish line, the participants will run on read carpet of the "Festhalle" with an incredible atmosphere.
The runners will start in two waves. One at 10:00 the other at 10:10.
To reach the finish line, the participants will run on read carpet of the "Festhalle" with an incredible atmosphere.
The runners will start in two waves. One at 10:00 the other at 10:10.
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4.54 리뷰
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버전: 10.7.4