Lindo's to Lindo's 10K Run and 4 Mile Walk
에디션 기록
Warwick, Warwickshire, 버뮤다
09 3월, 2025 (일)
2 mi, 4 mi
10 km
이벤트 정보
Lindo’s to Lindo’s offers an enjoyable charity event with diverse participation in support of the Bermuda Diabetes Association. Organized by the Mid Atlantic Athletic Club and sanctioned by Bermuda National Athletics Association, it caters to both competitive and non-competitive participants, featuring a challenging run or a charitable walk ending at Lindo's Market in Devonshire. Participants can explore scenic routes with various challenges. Goodie bags and t-shirts are provided to early registrants, with prizes available for winners in competitive categories. Families can participate together in non-competitive events, though certain regulations apply for safety.
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버전: 10.9.5