Lincoln Marathon
에디션 기록
1 mi, 21.097 km, 42.195 km
이벤트 정보
Experience the thrill of the Lincoln Marathon, a premier event organized by the Lincoln Track Club. What started as a small gathering of runners has now grown into a massive celebration of athleticism and community, attracting over 12,500 participants. Highlights of this marathon include strategically placed aid stations with lids and straws for convenience, vibrant neighborhood support offering water and snacks like gummy bears and jelly beans, and electrifying local bands along the course for that extra boost of motivation. The race concludes with an unforgettable finish on the 50-yard line of Memorial Stadium.The Lincoln National Guard Marathon and Half Marathon are distinguished as one of the largest volunteer-organized events in the nation, ensuring that every detail is crafted with care and dedication. The Marathon Committee's commitment, with hundreds of volunteer hours, guarantees an unparalleled race experience.
The Lincoln Track Club, established by track enthusiasts, has evolved into a community-driven force for distance running, emphasizing community service and educational support for athletes. The Lincoln National Guard Full Marathon proudly holds the title of a RRCA – Marathon State Championship Event. Both the marathon and half-marathon courses have earned national certification in accordance with USA Track & Field standards, making marathon times eligible for Boston Marathon qualification, with automatic forwarding of qualifying times for entry verification.
Join us as an athlete, volunteer, or supporter to be a part of this extraordinary event that embodies the spirit of running and community involvement.
The Lincoln Track Club, established by track enthusiasts, has evolved into a community-driven force for distance running, emphasizing community service and educational support for athletes. The Lincoln National Guard Full Marathon proudly holds the title of a RRCA – Marathon State Championship Event. Both the marathon and half-marathon courses have earned national certification in accordance with USA Track & Field standards, making marathon times eligible for Boston Marathon qualification, with automatic forwarding of qualifying times for entry verification.
Join us as an athlete, volunteer, or supporter to be a part of this extraordinary event that embodies the spirit of running and community involvement.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 7주 남았습니다
Lincoln Marathon
04 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
42.195 km
Mayor's Run
04 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
1 mi
Lincoln Half Marathon
04 5월, 2025 (일) - 07:00
21.097 km
기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.1