LFC & The WOW Center 5K Run/Walk for Purpose
에디션 기록
Pennsauken Township, NJ, 미국
14 9월, 2024 (토)
1 mi
5 km
이벤트 정보
LFC & The WOW Center 5K Run/Walk for Purpose
Saturday, September 14th
Cooper River Park
9:00am Race Starts
(Race Day Registration and Packet pick-up begins at 8:00am)
The race registration and finish will be at the Piazza at the Park
Registration Fees: 5K: $30 if registered by 9/13 (Race Day-$35) 1 Mile Walk: $25 if registered by 9/13 (Race Day-$30)
T-shirts guaranteed to the first 60 pre-registered participants and then while supplies last. Proceeds to benefit the nonprofit Biblical Counseling Ministry.
Timing and Event Management provided by TNT Event Management
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버전: 10.9.4