Level Pebble Triathlon & Duathlon
에디션 기록
Flat Rock, MI, 미국
31 8월, 2024 (토)
1.5 mi
12.4 mi
3.1 mi
300 yd
12.4 mi
3.1 mi
이벤트 정보
LEVEL PEBBLE TRIATHLONJoin us for the annual Level Pebble Triathlon, a weekend of multi-sport racing downriver! Whether you're new to triathlons or a seasoned athlete looking for a tune-up race, this event has something for everyone. You can choose between various distances, including a pool-swim option for those who prefer not to swim in open water. If swimming isn't your strength, the duathlon event allows you to showcase your running and biking skills. You can also team up with others for a relay race and share the fun!
Location: Flat Rock Community Center (1 Maguire St., Flat Rock, MI)
Friday: Youth Mini-Sprint/Sprint Triathlon
Saturday: Sprint Triathlon/Duathlon/Relay
Experience a pool swim at the Flat Rock Community Center, followed by biking and running on scenic downriver trails and roads. Race registration includes a finisher award, official timing, on-course hydration, age-group awards, post-race refreshments, and a commemorative event shirt. Get ready to challenge yourself and enjoy a weekend of fitness and fun!
Location: Flat Rock Community Center (1 Maguire St., Flat Rock, MI)
Friday: Youth Mini-Sprint/Sprint Triathlon
Saturday: Sprint Triathlon/Duathlon/Relay
Experience a pool swim at the Flat Rock Community Center, followed by biking and running on scenic downriver trails and roads. Race registration includes a finisher award, official timing, on-course hydration, age-group awards, post-race refreshments, and a commemorative event shirt. Get ready to challenge yourself and enjoy a weekend of fitness and fun!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Level Pebble Sprint TRIATHLON
31 8월, 2024 (토) - 08:00
300 yd
12.4 mi
3.1 mi
릴레이 (2-3)
300 yd수영장사이클링
12.4 mi도로러닝
3.1 mi도로
Level Pebble Sprint TRIATHLON
31 8월, 2024 (토) - 08:00
300 yd
12.4 mi
3.1 mi
300 yd수영장사이클링
12.4 mi도로러닝
3.1 mi도로
Level Pebble Sprint DUATHLON
31 8월, 2024 (토) - 08:00
1.5 mi
12.4 mi
3.1 mi
1.5 mi도로사이클링
12.4 mi도로러닝
3.1 mi도로
리뷰 작성하기
공식 링크
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버전: 10.7.4