이벤트 정보
Join us for the annual LBI 18 Mile Race weekend celebration! With 52 years of tradition, this event offers a thrilling 18 Mile Race starting in Holgate at 10:00 AM, along with a 12K race starting at the same time. The course is a straight, flat run heading North on Long Beach Blvd. Enjoy October temperatures around 65 degrees with winds typically coming from the South.Applications for the event are available at the Community Center and online. Register by September 15th to ensure the right amount of t-shirts and medals for all participants. Funds raised will support programs at the St. Francis Community Center.
Don't feel ready for the full 18 miles? Take part in the 12K fundraiser race that finishes at the St. Francis Center. Entry fees include a race T-shirt, commemorative medal, and a food and refreshment bag. Get ready to challenge yourself and enjoy the scenic views at this popular event!
Don't feel ready for the full 18 miles? Take part in the 12K fundraiser race that finishes at the St. Francis Center. Entry fees include a race T-shirt, commemorative medal, and a food and refreshment bag. Get ready to challenge yourself and enjoy the scenic views at this popular event!
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버전: 10.9.4