La Porte Triathlon
에디션 기록
500 yd
10 km
500 yd
10 km
5 km
500 yd
20 km
5 km
5 km
10 km
5 km
이벤트 정보
Indiana's longest-running triathlon has joined the Tris4Health events family, ready to continue the tradition for many more years. Expect minimal changes, with the main updates enhancing athlete experience. We've introduced an aquabike category, appealing to a wider audience, allowing more athletes to participate comfortably. While the duathlon relays are phasing out, athletes can still join via the triathlon relay. Efforts are underway to increase the event's branding and reach across states like Michigan, Illinois, and further into Indiana. Keeping the participant experience premium, this classic endurance event maintains a cap on entries to ensure quality.
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버전: 10.9.2