La Grind - Two Day Gravel Stage Race
에디션 기록
그래블 바이크
30 mi, 50 mi, 65 mi, 100 mi, 115 mi, 165 mi
이벤트 정보
La Grind 2-Day Gravel Stage Race (1 & 2 day events)
(brought to you by Kohlmeier Dental of Emporia, Ks and Panaracer "the OFFICIAL tire of La Grind")
La Grind offers riders 7 GRAVEL ADVENTURE options
Start/Finish-line: High Gear (520 Commercial St.)
Registration OPENS Monday, November 27th
SAVE! Sign up between 11/27-12/15 for 15% off registration
Kohlmeier Dental LLC & Panaracer bring you a one of a kind 2-day gravel stage race (plus 5 single day events) in the beautiful flint hills of Emporia, KS.
#grassroots #familyran #supportingsmallbusinesses #givingbikes
1 - La Grind 2-Day Gravel Stage Race 100/65
(day one: 100-miles/day two: 65-miles)
2 - La Grind 2-Day Gravel Stage Race 50/65
(day one: 50-miles/day two: 65-miles)
*participants' time from day 1 and day 2 are added together, giving racers their GRAND TOTAL!
3 - Saturday ONLY! Panaracer 100-Mile Dash
4 - Saturday ONLY! Harshman Construction 50-Mile Endurance Challenge
5 - Saturday ONLY! 30-Mile FunRide
6 - Saturday ONLY! 30-Mile ebike FunRide
7 - SUNDAY! Kohlmeier Dental 65-Mile Gravel Grind
La Grind is an AMAZING/TOP NOTCH grass roots gravel experience that gives sponsors, volunteers, riders & racers the opportunity to come together & support Handlebars of Hope, a cause that shares our passion for cycling with those less fortunate. Let's get #everyoneonbikes #lagrindfamily #comerideyourheartout
(brought to you by Kohlmeier Dental of Emporia, Ks and Panaracer "the OFFICIAL tire of La Grind")
La Grind offers riders 7 GRAVEL ADVENTURE options
Start/Finish-line: High Gear (520 Commercial St.)
Registration OPENS Monday, November 27th
SAVE! Sign up between 11/27-12/15 for 15% off registration
Kohlmeier Dental LLC & Panaracer bring you a one of a kind 2-day gravel stage race (plus 5 single day events) in the beautiful flint hills of Emporia, KS.
#grassroots #familyran #supportingsmallbusinesses #givingbikes
1 - La Grind 2-Day Gravel Stage Race 100/65
(day one: 100-miles/day two: 65-miles)
2 - La Grind 2-Day Gravel Stage Race 50/65
(day one: 50-miles/day two: 65-miles)
*participants' time from day 1 and day 2 are added together, giving racers their GRAND TOTAL!
3 - Saturday ONLY! Panaracer 100-Mile Dash
4 - Saturday ONLY! Harshman Construction 50-Mile Endurance Challenge
5 - Saturday ONLY! 30-Mile FunRide
6 - Saturday ONLY! 30-Mile ebike FunRide
7 - SUNDAY! Kohlmeier Dental 65-Mile Gravel Grind
La Grind is an AMAZING/TOP NOTCH grass roots gravel experience that gives sponsors, volunteers, riders & racers the opportunity to come together & support Handlebars of Hope, a cause that shares our passion for cycling with those less fortunate. Let's get #everyoneonbikes #lagrindfamily #comerideyourheartout
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버전: 10.8.3