Kiwanis Kingston Classic
에디션 기록
1.5 mi, 5 km, 10 km
이벤트 정보
Join the excitement of the Annual Kiwanis Kingston Classic, a must-attend event for athletes looking for a unique running experience. This classic run takes place in Kingston's historic waterfront district, featuring the Hutton Brickyard trail, known for its runner-friendly surface and picturesque surroundings. Athletes can choose from a 10K, 5K, or 1.5-mile walk/run, each offering a chance to enjoy camaraderie, a well-designed course, and a vibrant post-race celebration at Ole Savannah on the creek, complete with food, beer, ice cream, and music.Runners can also participate in the 10K Mayors Cup team challenge, where groups, clubs, and teams will vie for the participation trophy by having the most runners complete the course.
The course itself is a mix of flat terrain, gentle rolling upgrades, and a few challenging segments, providing varied views of the beautiful Rondout Creek and the stunning Hudson River, including a scenic passage through Rotary Park and a view of the Kingston Light House. This event promises not only a physical challenge but also a delightful day of fun and sportsmanship!
The course itself is a mix of flat terrain, gentle rolling upgrades, and a few challenging segments, providing varied views of the beautiful Rondout Creek and the stunning Hudson River, including a scenic passage through Rotary Park and a view of the Kingston Light House. This event promises not only a physical challenge but also a delightful day of fun and sportsmanship!
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 6주 남았습니다
27 4월, 2025 (일)
5 km
1.5 Mile Run/Walk
27 4월, 2025 (일)
1.5 mi
27 4월, 2025 (일)
10 km
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버전: 10.7.4