이벤트 정보
The Key City Foundation 5K Octoberfest Fun Run takes place Saturday, October 5, 2024 and will be a great time for friends and family. It is October, so bonus points for those runners brave enough to wear a costume!
Come run (or walk) with us, enjoy the Family Fun Zone, and check out a local brewery. The run starts at 10:30am and registration will open at 8:30am.
Proceeds will help fund ongoing Key City Foundation youth sports initiatives, like free sports skills clinics and our youth lacrosse program. A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated to our nonprofit partner Girls on the Run Mid and Western Maryland.
Photos courtesy of Rebecca Sube Photography.
10 and under; 11-20 years; 21-35 years; 36-49 years; 50-64 years; 65+ years; oldest finisher Additional medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female finishers for the 1M:
10 and under Running strollers are welcome. Dogs are welcome to accompany runners. In accordance with City laws, runners with dogs should be prepared to pick up any waste.
There is a special FRONT LINE WORKER discount: we welcome military personnel, healthcare workers, teachers, and first responders (police/fire/EMS) to take advantage of this rate! It is available up until race day! Kids 10 and under can register for free for the 5K and 1M. You will have the option to purchase a commemorative race tee shirt for kids 10 and under when you register them. Race registrants 21 years and older will receive access to the Beer Garden and 1 drink ticket. If you're more cheerleader than runner, there is a Beer Garden only option (must be 21 years or older) which includes 1 drink ticket. All race registrants will have access to the Family Fun Zone with DJ, games, and other activities! Medals will be awarded for overall 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female finishers for the 5K and the 1M. Additional medals for 1st place male and female finishers in age categories for the 5K:10 and under; 11-20 years; 21-35 years; 36-49 years; 50-64 years; 65+ years; oldest finisher Additional medals for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female finishers for the 1M:
10 and under Running strollers are welcome. Dogs are welcome to accompany runners. In accordance with City laws, runners with dogs should be prepared to pick up any waste.
Key City Athletics Foundation, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
05 10월, 2024 (토) - 10:30
5 km
1M Fun Run (or Walk)
05 10월, 2024 (토) - 11:00
1 mi
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버전: 10.7.4