Kentucky Derby Festival PNC Tour de Lou
에디션 기록
Louisville, KY, 미국
19 4월, 2025 (토)
20 mi, 35 mi, 62.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Experience the PNC Tour de Lou, a cherished community cycling event under the Kentucky Derby Festival's banner. International travelers will enjoy breathtaking views and a vibrant atmosphere as they start and finish at the stunning Lincoln Memorial Lot. With bicycle rentals available, participants are supported by expert personnel who ensure safety on the open-course routes. Revel in post-ride celebrations featuring live entertainment and refreshments, and receive a medal and event shirt as mementos. Virtual participation is also an option. Enhance your experience with a free training program, catering to all skill levels, to prepare for an extraordinary cycling journey.
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버전: 10.9.2