Joe Duffy BMW Clontarf Half Marathon
에디션 기록
Clontarf, 아일랜드
06 7월, 2024 (토)
5 mi, 21.097 km
이벤트 정보
This is an annual sell out race. Sells out 2 months in advance
Welcome to Joe Duffy BMW Clontarf half marathon and 5 mile. This is Ireland’s flattest half marathon and flattest 5 mile. It takes place in the scenic setting of Clontarf Promenade and Bull Island with views of Howth Head and Dublin bay. The race is contained within an off road promenade and Bull Island giving it unique and relaxing appeal.
Both races are open to runners/ joggers and walkers. The flat terrain makes it an ideal race to aim for a PB. The half marathon has pacers to help you achieve your Goal. The 5 mile is all on hard surfaced ground.
Back with a bang after the success of July 2019. We have gone with the same formula which attracted 3,000 walkers, joggers and runners to this flat course in July. It certainly has the big race atmosphere! Medals and goodies await you at our unique finish line.
This is an annual SELL OUT race. Don’t leave it too late to enter
Welcome to Joe Duffy BMW Clontarf half marathon and 5 mile. This is Ireland’s flattest half marathon and flattest 5 mile. It takes place in the scenic setting of Clontarf Promenade and Bull Island with views of Howth Head and Dublin bay. The race is contained within an off road promenade and Bull Island giving it unique and relaxing appeal.
Both races are open to runners/ joggers and walkers. The flat terrain makes it an ideal race to aim for a PB. The half marathon has pacers to help you achieve your Goal. The 5 mile is all on hard surfaced ground.
Back with a bang after the success of July 2019. We have gone with the same formula which attracted 3,000 walkers, joggers and runners to this flat course in July. It certainly has the big race atmosphere! Medals and goodies await you at our unique finish line.
This is an annual SELL OUT race. Don’t leave it too late to enter
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
5 Mile
06 7월, 2024 (토) - 10:00
5 mi
기록 측정
Half Marathon
06 7월, 2024 (토)
21.097 km
기록 측정
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버전: 10.7.4