Jackpine Savage Mountain Bike Race
산악 자전거
4.6 mi, 9.2 mi, 14 mi
이벤트 정보
The Jackpine Savage Mountain Bike Race is on City Park trails in Spooner, WI. The race start will happen near the trailhead entrance behind Spooner High School with parking available in the west parking lot at the high school. The race will consist of singletrack mountain bike trail, cross country ski trail, and utilize a short amount of pavement as well. All levels of mountain bike racers are welcome. However, off-road riding experience is necessary to safely compete in this race. Most of the singletrack is at a beginner level but there are some intermediate sections as well. The Junior race will consist of one lap that is 4.6 miles. The mid race will have 2 laps and the full race will consist of 3 laps. Mass start will be utilized with full racers leaving in the first block, followed by mid, and then JR. Prizes will be awarded for 1st place finishers in each category.
Race maps are available on the event page and trailforks. The course will be painted for pre-riding one week before the race. A full course set up will take place the day before the race.
If you would like to register offline, registration and payment can be sent to Spooner Mountain Bike, W7891 Keller Rd, Spooner, WI 54801. Checks can be made payable to Spooner Mountain Bike. Include Name of rider, age, and which level of race in registration.
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인기 목적지: 산악 자전거
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버전: 10.8.3