이벤트 정보
Join us at the 3rd annual JA Financially Fit 4.01K! Brought to you by Junior Achievement of Middletown Area. This race allows participants to be physically and financially fit with JA!
Are you smarter than a JA First Grader, Second Grader, Third Grader, Fourth Grader or Fifth Grader??
Bring your family, the stroller, your leashed pets and see if you can make CENTS of our questions as you walk the 2.5 miles on our path!
JA Financially Fit 4.01K Challenge is open to all ages.
Registration online is $25 per
participant, no registration fee for children under the age of six (6).
Race day registration will be $30, cash and credit card accepted.
Strollers and leashed pets are permitted.
Register before March 31st and receive a free T-Shirt in your registration packet.
Registration packets should be picked up the day of the event.
Our course is designed around the Middletown High School Campus and neighborhood,
crossing no streets.
Starting location is 601 N Breiel Blvd, Middletown OH.
Please park in designated parking areas to allow safe walking and crossing for
participants and spectators.
Important dates:
-Sign up with t-shirt cutoff Friday, March 31st
-Race day Saturday, April 13th
Important times:
-Race day registration between 8:00AM-8:45AM
-Packet Pick up between 8:00AM-8:45AM
-Race begins at 9:00AM
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버전: 10.9.0