Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge
에디션 기록
Бактуу-Долоноту, 키르기스스탄
05 5월, 2025 (월)
이벤트 크기: (최대 100명까지 등록 가능)
Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge의 공식 등록 파트너
이벤트 정보
Are you an adventurous runner looking for a new epic challenge after conquering iconic ultramarathons like Marathon des Sables, Spartathlon, and Badwater? Set your sights on the unparalleled Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge, a grueling 460 km race spread over six days at altitudes reaching up to 2,000 meters. This is a true test of endurance and mental fortitude, known as the world's longest six-stage foot race.Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery of the Tien Shan Mountains as you circle the enigmatic second-largest mountain lake in the world, a hidden gem in the running community. Limited to just 100 participants, seize the opportunity to be among the pioneering athletes to have your name etched in history.
The race begins in Baktuu-Dolonotu, at the hippodrome crafted for the renowned World Nomad Games. Challenge yourself across the diverse stages: 90 km, 74 km, 87 km, 85 km, 79 km, and finally 45 km—with a total elevation gain and loss of 6.3 km. Each stage has a time limit of 12 hours for the first five stages and 7 hours for the final stage, with aid stations positioned approximately every 20 km to support you on this extraordinary journey.
The race begins in Baktuu-Dolonotu, at the hippodrome crafted for the renowned World Nomad Games. Challenge yourself across the diverse stages: 90 km, 74 km, 87 km, 85 km, 79 km, and finally 45 km—with a total elevation gain and loss of 6.3 km. Each stage has a time limit of 12 hours for the first five stages and 7 hours for the final stage, with aid stations positioned approximately every 20 km to support you on this extraordinary journey.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 7주 남았습니다
Issyk Kul six-day Challenge
1090 USD
05 5월, 2025 (월) - 08:00
460 km
6 스테이지
2000 m 상승 고도
단일 루프
가족 친화적
코스 세부 정보
코스 주요 내용
Mainly a road race around the world’s second largest mountain lake. Six stages with a total length of almost two Spartathlons take place at an altitude of 1,600–2,000 m above sea level. Time limits: 12 hours for Stages 1 to 5 and 7 hours for Stage 6. There are aid stations at each stage every ~20 km. TIME TABLE May 4, 2025 – check-in and bib number pickup; Pasta Party May 5–10, 2025 – stages 1 to 6, each starting at 8:00 May 11, 2025 – Award Banquet
시작 지점
Бактуу-Долоноту, Кыргызстан완료 지점
Бактуу-Долоноту, Кыргызстан참가 시 제공되는 항목
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지금 등록하세요Issyk Kul Six-Day Challenge
1090 USD
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버전: 10.7.4