이벤트 정보
Join us for our first annual Immaculate Heart of Mary 5K run/walk on Saturday, August 24th at Hawk Island.
Entry Fee: $25/person (adults) and kids under 18 are $15 until 8/21 then the price increases to $30 for adults and $20 for kids ages 18 and under.
Race Swag: T-shirts are included with entry until August 14th, and available as supplies last after that date. Sizes Youth S-L and Adults S-XXXL available
Results: The race is professionally timed by the Michigan Running Foundation. Results will be live at the event and posted on this website.
Awards: All participants will receive a finishers medal
Packet Pick Up: Race day starting at 7:30 am until 8:55 am
Course: The course is on the paved trail at Hawk Island.
Proceeds from this event will support tuition assistance and security improvements.
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© Ahotu는 World's Sports Group 소유의 서비스 및 브랜드입니다. 저작권을 포함한 모든 권리가 보호됩니다.
버전: 10.9.0