I Am A Hero's Jingle Jog 5K for Washington Community Development Center Hosted by Madeline Haak & Jasmine Bruce
3.1 mi
이벤트 정보
The Washington Community Development Center Jingle Jog 2023 is the first annual 5K held for WCDC. We are a non-profit, community-based outreach program formed by the 501(c)(3) I Am A Hero, Inc. to unite the people of Texarkana by providing opportunities for growth to those who might not always be granted those opportunities. Hosting life skills classes, sponsoring sports leagues, and partnering with many other organizations around town are just a few of the efforts demonstrating WCDC's commitment to the betterment of our community. The Jingle Jog 5K is being held to support the endeavors of WCDC as we invest in the city's youth and supply them--and their families--with resources and circumstances that foster success and individual growth. Join us in our mission: register today!
Location: Spring Lake Park
Registration begins at 8:00 AM (shirts, race bibs, and swag bags will be passed out during registration)
Race starting time will be 9:00 AM
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인근 호텔 찾기 I Am A Hero's Jingle Jog 5K for Washington Community Development Center Hosted by Madeline Haak & Jasmine Bruce
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버전: 9.26.3