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Houtzdale Revitalization Association's Inaugural Gobbler Fun Run
This family friendly event includes a 5k run/ walk for all ages. We encourage everyone regardless of fitness level to participate in this untimed family friendly event, which will take place along the same route as the new Houtzdale Days course. The Houtzdale Revitalization Association Gobbler 5 K Fun Run will promote a healthy activity for folks of all ages and of all levels of fitness. The goal is to promote camaraderie, exercise, pride, and wholesome FUN for all.
Registration is $20 plus $2 processing fee, which includes a Race tee shirt. Participants twelve and under are free, but do not include a tee shirt. They may be purchased on this website for $15.
Proceeds benefit the David Wulderk Pavilion maintenance and surrounding sidewalks. All donations are appreciated.
Come out in full turkey gear/ costume for special recognition.
Event details: Saturday, November 16, 2024 Registration between 9:00-10:00 am. Race begins at 10:00am. 601 Good Street, Houtzdale Fire Company, Houtzdale, PA
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버전: 10.9.6