이벤트 정보
Join our Semper Fi & America's Fund Team for the Hood to Coast Relay and help us raise $20,000 for The Fund.
Our team will be comprised of Team Semper Fi (service members who participate in The Fund's Recovery through Sport program) and Community Athletes (Fundraisers). This partnership will be a unique experience for everyone involved!
The Providence Hood To Coast Relay, located in Oregon, is the most popular and largest running and walking relay race in the world, annually drawing participants from over 40 countries. Known as the Mother of All Relays, the event takes 12-member relay teams 199 miles from the iconic top of Mount Hood to the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. The event has sold-out for 30 straight years and on lottery opening day for 23 consecutive years.
Fundraising minimum $2,000. Your $2,000 fundraising will cover the costs for a member of Team Semper Fi to participate in the Relay.
Registration cost $180.00 per person
As you register for the team a personal fundraising page will be created for you. This page can be customized with pictures and your personal message. Each team member will receive a Semper Fi & America's Fund running shirt.Each team member is responsible for their own travel to and from the event.The Fund will provide vans that will transport the team during the event.The Hood to Coast Relay takes place on Friday, Aug 23 through Saturday, August 24. Participants need to arrive in Portland no later than Thursday, Aug 22 and stay until Sunday, Aug 25.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
준비할 시간이 약 22주 남았습니다
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버전: 10.9.5