Hometown Half Marathon & 5k/10k - Louisville
에디션 기록
Louisville, KY, 미국
25 5월, 2025 (일)
1 mi, 3.1 mi, 6.2 mi, 13.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Join us for the annual Hometown Half Marathon & 5k/10k! A run local-themed event that is perfect for the whole family.
The fun includes - Great Swag - designer shirt & custom medal Chip-timing with live results and awards Pacers for the half marathon Free photos Delicious Treats waiting at the finish line Plenty of fun! Grab your friends and family, you are not going to want to miss this one!
Can't make the race? No problem! We offer a virtual race option where you can run anywhere, at any time, and still earn the fun swag!
*Youth-based pricing for the 5k/10k, 12 & Under are only $15! Half Marathon Registration includes a custom bib, designer shirt, and a SIX INCH awesome finisher medal! 10k registration includes a custom bib, designer shirt, and an awesome FOUR INCH finisher medal! 5k registration includes a custom bib, designer shirt, and an awesome FOUR INCH finisher medal! The kid's dash is a fun, untimed dash for our kiddos ages 10 and under. Registration includes a mini bib, youth-sized shirt, and kid's dash pin! (If your child wants to run the kid's dash, and doesn't want the SWAG, they are welcome to run with us on race day for free!) *Register by Sunday at midnight the weekend BEFORE the race to be guaranteed a shirt!
The fun includes - Great Swag - designer shirt & custom medal Chip-timing with live results and awards Pacers for the half marathon Free photos Delicious Treats waiting at the finish line Plenty of fun! Grab your friends and family, you are not going to want to miss this one!
Can't make the race? No problem! We offer a virtual race option where you can run anywhere, at any time, and still earn the fun swag!
*Youth-based pricing for the 5k/10k, 12 & Under are only $15! Half Marathon Registration includes a custom bib, designer shirt, and a SIX INCH awesome finisher medal! 10k registration includes a custom bib, designer shirt, and an awesome FOUR INCH finisher medal! 5k registration includes a custom bib, designer shirt, and an awesome FOUR INCH finisher medal! The kid's dash is a fun, untimed dash for our kiddos ages 10 and under. Registration includes a mini bib, youth-sized shirt, and kid's dash pin! (If your child wants to run the kid's dash, and doesn't want the SWAG, they are welcome to run with us on race day for free!) *Register by Sunday at midnight the weekend BEFORE the race to be guaranteed a shirt!
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버전: 10.9.4