Hilton Head Half & Quarter Marathon & 5K
에디션 기록
Hilton Head Island, SC, 미국
02 11월, 2025 (일)
3.1 mi, 6.55 mi, 13.1 mi
이벤트 정보
Experience Hilton Head Island through an exciting running event produced by the Hilton Head Running Company. Participants will embark on a scenic course through neighborhoods, showcasing the island's natural beauty on leisure paths and hidden roads. This race benefits the Sandbox Children's Museum, providing valuable learning opportunities for children. Expect beautiful custom finisher medals, a refreshing post-race atmosphere with complimentary food, drinks, and a cold beer. The event takes place on Hilton Head Island, a stunning location renowned in numerous travel accolades. Enjoy a flat, fast race with optimal weather conditions, and indulge in the island's charm.
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버전: 10.9.2