Helvellyn Triathlon
에디션 기록
Glenridding, Cumbria, 영국
01 9월, 2024 (일)
1500 m
59 km
1500 m
59 km
15 km
주최자: TriHard
이벤트 정보
This race is somewhat different to the normal run of the mill triathlon and will require a little more thought and preparation than many races. This is particularly relevant if you are not used to the narrow and twisty nature of Lakeland roads and are not used to running in the environmentally very sensitive fells of this area.
The cycle route is long and hilly, but it is relatively straightforward. The run is a mix of track, fell and road. It will massively assist you if you study the course on a good map beforehand, OS Outdoor Leisure 5 is ideal; the map on the website is intended only as an indication and is not sufficient to navigate by effectively, you will also need a map to take with you in the race.
The cycle route is long and hilly, but it is relatively straightforward. The run is a mix of track, fell and road. It will massively assist you if you study the course on a good map beforehand, OS Outdoor Leisure 5 is ideal; the map on the website is intended only as an indication and is not sufficient to navigate by effectively, you will also need a map to take with you in the race.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Helvellyn Triathlon
01 9월, 2024 (일) - 08:30
1500 m
59 km
15 km
1500 m호수단일 루프사이클링
59 km1489 ft 상승 고도도로경사단일 루프트레일 러닝
15 km3118 ft 상승 고도트레일단일 루프
01 9월, 2024 (일) - 08:30
1500 m
59 km
1500 m호수사이클링
59 km도로
Helvellyn Triathlon Relay
01 9월, 2024 (일) - 08:30
1500 m
59 km
15 km
릴레이 (2-3)
1500 m호수단일 루프사이클링
59 km1489 ft 상승 고도도로경사단일 루프트레일 러닝
15 km3118 ft 상승 고도트레일단일 루프
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버전: 10.7.2