이벤트 정보
A popular marathon event is making a return for its 10th Anniversary celebration, featuring a Half Marathon, 5k, and Monster Fun Run. The race will take participants through downtown Leslie, country roads, and even a cemetery, before finishing back in downtown. After the race, enjoy post-race refreshments and join an exciting Halloween Party. Costumes are encouraged, but not required, with costume contests and awards for the best costumes. Group rates are available for running clubs and school cross country teams. Make sure to register early, as there will be no race day registration. Participants of the Half Marathon will receive a long sleeve t-shirt, while participants of the 5k will receive a short sleeve moisture-wicking t-shirt. Prizes will be awarded to top finishers in each age group for both races. Additionally, there will be a Kids Monster Fun Run with cotton t-shirts and ribbons for finishers. The event will be professionally timed and results will be posted online. Don't miss out on this exciting marathon experience in Leslie!
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버전: 10.9.4