이벤트 정보
Greek Hero is an extreme triathlon for athletes who want to exceed their limits. The weather in April on Corfu can be quite unpredictable and the unique topography of the island makes the race extremely challenging. Temperatures may range from 0 to 32 degrees Celsius on race day.
It begins with a 4 km swim in the Ionian Sea (water temperature approx. 14-17 degrees Celsius). The bike leg (3300 m D+, 182 km) takes the athletes all around the island of Corfu with breathtaking views. The run (40 km, 1900 D+) follows a beautiful route passing olive gardens and beaches finishing on the top of the Angel Castle.
It begins with a 4 km swim in the Ionian Sea (water temperature approx. 14-17 degrees Celsius). The bike leg (3300 m D+, 182 km) takes the athletes all around the island of Corfu with breathtaking views. The run (40 km, 1900 D+) follows a beautiful route passing olive gardens and beaches finishing on the top of the Angel Castle.
이 이벤트에서 제공하는 레이스
Greek Hero
12 10월, 2024 (토) - 07:10
3.8 km
176 km
40 km
3.8 km바다/해양기록 측정사이클링
176 km2400 m 상승 고도도로익스트림기록 측정트레일 러닝
40 km1500 m 상승 고도트레일익스트림기록 측정
리뷰 작성하기
공식 링크
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버전: 10.7.4